Monday, April 04, 2005

Kid of the Day


Something that has been very helpful to me for the past couple of years is the "Kid of the Day" system. I got it from an article in Family Fun magazine. (I probably should post a link to their site since I mention their magazine in almost every post!) Anyway, it works like this. My oldest kid is kid of the day on Sunday and Wednesday, middle child has Tuesday and Saturday and youngest has Monday and Friday. This way they all have a weekday and a (kind of) weekend day. The kid of the day has extra privileges and possibly extra responsibilities. If there is an argument over who goes first or who gets to choose the TV show, I say "who is the kid of the day?" That usually settles it. The kid of the day also gets to choose what we read at night and if we go to a restaurant on their day, s/he gets to choose which one. Since we had one day of the week left over, I'm the kid of the day on Thursdays. One day I got a funny look from a man at the grocery store when the kids asked who was the kid of the day and I said "Me! I'm the kid of the day!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey FatcatPaulanne,
    I think you're on to something great here. Really effective way to stop the constant arguing over priviledges.
    Today's moms have to be recognised for innovation! it's the only way to stay sane
