Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Homeschool Unit Study


We decided to read Maniac McGee first. Actually, we got the audio version from the library and it is excellent and I enjoy being able to just listen and not read sometimes. We are also digging into fractions with worksheets from the site, which I find helpful because we can all work on fractions, but at appropriate grade levels. That way, what we are doing is related. It helps with the mommy brain too, not having to switch subjects so much.

I also did the 'no leaving the kitchen until the work is done' and it worked very well. We got done earlier than usual! It was great. I'm definitely going to make this the routine.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Just thought I would let you know I enjoy checking in on how your homeschool and life are going. Your children insights are very funny.
