Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Heredity Musings.


Tonight I noticed that I have a gray hair. It is very noticible for a couple of reasons. First off, it is right in the very front and secondly, it sticks straight up. It's a very spunky little thing. I haven't had the heart yet to yank it out. I will though. I will. Its days are numbered. My dad has completely white hair now, my mom, a few gray strands, but mostly still brown. Guess who I seem to be taking after? I started getting gray hairs a few months ago and they have been coming very frequently lately.

My kids seem also to have lost in one aspect of the heredity game. My husband has perfect eyesight. Even though he is close to 40 years old, he's never needed reading glasses; he can see signs on the interstate way before I can, even with my contacts in. I on the other hand, am legally blind without my glasses or contacts. I had to explain to my children the other day, that yes, my glasses could be lying on my desk and I could be standing right in front of them and still not see them. I have to reach out and pat the desk with my hand until I feel them. One of my kids already has glasses and the other two had a free vision screening at Wal-Mart the other day and scored in the range of "better get this checked." :-(

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