Saturday, April 23, 2005


My mom went to the doctor yesterday and found out that she has a low HDL, which is good cholesterol. She is resistant to taking another medication for this and so, asked me to do a little internet research to see what foods boost your HDL score, so she can eat a lot of those and not have to go on a new medication. I did some research and found 4 foods that really help with raising a low HDL. From now on, my poor mom is going to have to eat apples, orange juice, pecans and chocolate!


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Oh cool! I have that problem too, so maybe I will need to get some chocolate covered pecans, which I will eat accompanied by a big glass of OJ and a crispy apple. Oh wait, chocolate and OJ don't go together well. Okay, so I have the OJ and apple for breakfast and the chocolate covered pecans for all my other meals. Hey, I even have a recipe for a chocolate pecan pie. Wow, finally a diet I can embrace!

  2. I figured you'd like that! Better eat a lot, we don't want your HDL to be too low!
