Friday, April 08, 2005

But really, why are they home?


I really should address why they are homeschooled, shouldn't I? I did a little in my first article on this blog, if you look way back at the beginning. Here's the short version. We decided that we didn't want to send my 6th grader to middle school, we felt that he was not ready, so we kept him home. A month into the public school calendar, we pulled the other 2 out of school for many reasons. They weren't seeing much of their Dad because he works an odd work schedule. The youngest was not happy with school and cried every morning. I felt that my daughter was beginning to drown in her split third/fourth grade class; she had so much homework and would come home not understanding it and I would have to teach her. Now that we've been homeschooling for half a year, my reasons for keeping them home include getting to see them more, being excited about teaching and learning and having a lot of fun! This is the best thing I have ever done.


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Hate to say "I told you so," but I did, LOL! I told you you would be the perfect home school family! Liking your kids is half the battle, and you have always seemed to really like your kids. So see, you WERE meant to do this! :-)

  2. Yes, I guess I was.
