Monday, March 28, 2005

Easy Spring Daily Plan


Here's a copy of the easy spring check list system we are going to try to follow for the next few weeks.
1. Chores
2. Mom talks
3 Art/craft/project
4. Math.
5. Work on Awana verse.
6. Read 1/2 hour.
7. Worksheets (From curriculum book we are trying to finish.)
8. PE exercise 1 hour.
9. Personal hygiene.
10. Journal/ Draw, write, now.
11. Report to Mom what you have done. Recite Awana verse. Put worksheets/journals on shelf. Until this step is done, no TV, computer or Nintendo.
Fruits/veggies __ _ _ _ _
Milk _ _
PICTURE OF CLOCK HERE (which didn't come across in the copy.)

It is _________ (time).
Today is _______________

March 2005
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

My address:
My phone #s.
Grandmas phone #.

(Since we have 4 phone numbers in our family, there are supposed to be 4 lines under that heading.)


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Details, please! Do you print out one of these sheets and post it, or do you print out one for each child each day or some other way? I like this, and I think it might be helpful here...maybe...but then I may not be disciplined enough to stick to it.

  2. I print out one for each child, each day and we mark off when they are done, except for the last 2 days, when we have been slovenly.

  3. I print out one for each child, each day and we mark off when they are done and then I keep them with their other work (except for the last 2 days, when we have been slovenly!)

    Dini, since this is you, I'll email you a proper copy.
