Friday, June 05, 2020


Life just marches on.  We're a 1 dog family now but we're doing okay, I guess.  My daughter and I got hit with a deadline on our medical coding course, which I guess is a good thing, or we'd just keep studying forever and never get done.  We have to finish by the end of August, so we've scheduled our test and we are studying in earnest, trying to get a basic understanding of coding, which is not easy.  The material is hard and the way that the course is set up is not good.  I hate the whole process but this is what I get to do, every day off of work, from now until August 22.  Joy.   Maybe at some point, I will get a better grasp on it and it won't be such a struggle.   At least at some point, it will be over.  I guess.  I don't know how many times I will attempt the test if I can't pass it on the 2 I've already paid for.  I may just decide to do something else entirely.   We'll see. 

My co-worker is back to work and I had my long-awaited 3 days off this week and I'm heading back to work today for 1 day, then the weekend!  Thank goodness.  I needed a break very badly. 

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