Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Still here.

My hours at work have been cut to 4 hours, starting this week.   I seem to go in there and have 4 hours of frantic busy-ness and then come home.  Even though the transcription workload has dropped significantly and the phone hasn't been ringing hardly at all (thank goodness!), cases still need to be packed up and logged out and sent to other hospitals and received from other hospitals and logged in and refiled, which has been taking me large portions of each day.   Today, I already know 3 that I have to send out and UPS is not coming inside the hospital now, so I'll have to wait for their phone call and then take my package down 2 flights of stairs and outside.  And then I'll have to come back UP 2 flights of stairs.  My one already replaced knee and my other knee that needs to be replaced are already dreading it.  It's just one adjustment after another. 

While I am at home, I'm trying to savor the time.  I enjoyed seeing the super moon last night, watching old episodes of Monk, hanging out outside with the cats, etc.  It's not terrible to be quarantined with these people and these 7 pets.
An admittedly terrible photo of the supermoon last night.  I did enjoy looking at it and it looked fantastic to the eye, but like nothing at all to the camera on my phone.  

Duncan, inside of the stepstools we prefer to use rather than a pool ladder.  Getting ready to get the pool up soon!  

Mr. Miller.  He's such a sweetie.  I'm glad he found us.  

Some art I've been working on.

A wild turkey who decided to fly in front of me on my way to work yesterday.   Again, it looked really impressive in real life, but my camera makes everything seem so far away and I couldn't zoom while also driving, even though there was no one else out there driving with me.  

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