Thursday, February 13, 2020

Work again.

I am a p.r.n. employee, which means "as needed" apparently in Latin.  It is the same abbreviation they use to write prescriptions for medications to take as needed.   My minimum contracted hours is 4 hours a week.   The minimum that I ever work, however, is 16 hours a week.  That was my schedule in January, but now we have another transcriptionist who is going to have surgery, so I'm going to near full time from now until May 5 when she gets back.  With the coding classes I'm doing, it's likely to be pretty stressful.  The only way I'm consoling myself is thinking that the money will be good.  I am going to work a little later, study my coding in the morning every day before I go, do some make ahead and freeze freezer meals and try not to be too grouchy when I get home.  It's personal growth, right?

I'll share some pictures of what's been going on here.   When I looked at my phone for pictures I found mostly pet pictures.  The young adults have been doing a twice a day medicine regime for 2 pets with ear infections and 1 with an eye infection (Zoey has both an ear and eye infection.) So they're keeping busy with that, D&D, writing books, board games, job hunting and school.

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