Saturday, September 14, 2019


I'm sorry I haven't blogged.  My schedule has been crazy.  I've been working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, with an hour commute each way, volunteering at the same place on Saturdays and teaching Sunday School on Sundays.  I feel like I'm exploring new levels of fatigue.  On top of that, this week, my mother in law has had surgery and been in the hospital and I had a doctor's appointment, had to work for my co-worker and last night, spent quite a bit of time shopping for a dress for my daughter to wear to my brother's wedding, so two nights this week I've been out late, in addition to getting up at 5:30, burning the candle at both ends.  I've been very lax with my food allergies diet the last few days and very lax on doing my physical therapy exercises and I am feeling bad because of that too.   I'm sitting here this morning trying to decide if I can drag myself down there to volunteer.  I love the babies, but just getting there is a huge effort.  I don't know if I can do it.  :-(   I'll give it some time and get fully awake before deciding.  It recharges me emotionally, but I think my goal today might be to do something that recharges me physically, like eating right, resting and doing some gentle PT. 

In other news, we're getting a new mattress today.  My husband and I got it for ourselves for our 31st wedding anniversary.  It's being delivered today in a few minutes.  I'm very excited to lie down on it and hoping that it will help my back.  My sciatica has just about made me lose it this week.  It's been very difficult to sit in the car for 2 hours a day.  So, new mattress, yay!

Updates on my young people, former homeschoolers are about the same.  My daughter is working hard on her medical coding course, finishing the medical terminology part as a prerequisite.  She's still doing the art classes one night a week and she had some of her paintings made into prints.  We picked up notecards with the prints on them yesterday.  They're very cool.  Youngest son  has not found a job yet so he's been helping his dad around the house and playing a lot of games with friends, along with his sister.  They hang out with the same crowd, something that happens with homeschoolers, I think.   The oldest and his wife are still in Mississippi and we don't see them very much, sadly but they're doing good.  My daughter in law is going back to school to get her masters and my son is working 2 jobs.  They'll be back here for my brother's wedding next month, which we're all very excited about.  That coincides with the end of me working full time and finally getting a BREAK.

I have not been working on my book on homeschooling these past few weeks for some reason ... so there's no update on that, unfortunately. 

So that's it for us.   It's almost fall!

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