Saturday, August 10, 2019

Okay, now August is almost half over.

It's crazy how fast the time is zooming by.  I've been at work.  Work.  Work.  Work.  I both hate and don't mind it.  I hate how much I'm gone and how tired and sore I am, but my workplace is a pretty good place.   Today I'm off and I'm thrilled about that though.  I'm exhausted.

We've also been trying to deal with a huge bunch of fresh produce this week.  Our peaches on our peach tree got ripe and we picked them before the woodland creatures got them all and I've been trying to eat as many as I can, freezing some, making some into smoothies, etc.  Also, my father-in-law sent us a bunch of tomatoes, apples, beans, onions, watermelons, and peppers and we've been trying to put those in everything we eat and get those used up before they go bad.   It's been stressing me out, to be honest.  Huge bags of everything all over the kitchen has seemed messy and breaking finding time to do all that peeling and cooking has been difficult.  Today, we have an apple crisp and green beans cooked and in the fridge and a bunch of peaches for smoothies in the freezer.  There's still a lot more to do, but we're making progress.  I realize that this is a particularly first world problem to have.  Too much!  Too much paid work and too much free food.  What a week and what a weird problem.
Peach smoothie~!

Other than that. I don't even know what's going on.  I haven't talked to my family this week as much as usual.   Hopefully, this weekend will remedy that!  The young people here are going to a new game store in our small town now and they're going tonight, so maybe not.  I'm glad they are getting out.  I can remember when we were homeschooling and our homeschool group split up and socialization was a problem.  It's not now, thank goodness, and also, this is the best part, not my responsibility.  They're grown up.  I don't have to make arrangements for them.   I'm both happy and sad about that.
Like I said, it's a weird week. 

Yesterday we had a sale at the gift shop of the hospital where I work and I bought myself the most ridiculous, over-the-top sunglasses that they had.  These made me and my co-workers smile yesterday!

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