Thursday, July 18, 2019


I've been doing summery things.  I've been swimming in the pool most days and I love it.  We went to see Shakespeare in the park, which was fantastic again.  It's funny, Facebook notified me that we went exactly a year ago on the same day.  This year we saw As You Like It which was excellently performed, but it turns out, is not my favorite of the Shakespeare plays I've seen so far.   I've seen 4.   In order of my favorites, they are 1.  Comedy of Errors, 2.  Julius Cesar, 3. A Midsummer Night's Dream and 4.  As You Like It.  The Comedy of Errors production that we saw last year was the absolute best.  It was fantastic.  In a couple of weeks, I'm going to get to see Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which I'm also excited about. 

Also in summertime things, I made my daughter go try and pick blackberries.  We didn't apparently have very many blackberries on our property this year so she only got a very few.  It was 1/4 of a cup.  So what did I do?  I made a tiny vegan, dairy, gluten-free cobbler.  It was good!

I'm working on writing a book about homeschooling and raising kids and trying to work on that a bit every day, hoping to have my rough draft done in December.

My husband is working at home at lot this summer, which is nice.  He's getting to be here and not do the long, long commute 3 days a week.  

The young adults who live here are still doing gaming and D&D, hanging out with their friends.  My daughter's job is out for the summer and hopefully, my son will find his first job soon.  

That's our summertime update, which admitttedly, I am writing mostly for myself.  If any blog readers are still reading now that I've stopped homeschooling, hello!  


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