Saturday, July 06, 2019

I made it.

Of course, I made it through working 4 days this week.  It was a little hard on my knees and hard on my back, but honestly, at this point, I'm used to working through the pain.  I got a lot of work done and it was fine.  I wish I'd been more on top of the cooking and meal planning, washing dishes and other things around the house, but I was pretty much wiped out every evening after work.  I was off on the fourth and used that time to get caught up on the laundry and dishes, but still, for some reason, didn't cook anything.  I've been eating a lot of oatmeal this week, so I guess that's good for me.

Last weekend, we met our oldest son and our daughter-in-law in Alabama and had a couple of relaxing days visiting and hanging out.  We had a lot of good gluten-free food and played a lot of games and enjoyed the company.

Youngest son is now officially on the hunt for a job, since he graduated and now we're back from our tiny but expensive vacation. 

For the fourth of July, we didn't party or do fireworks this year, we just went to the movies.  We saw Yesterday, which was a really fun movie.  I highly recommend it!

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