Sunday, June 09, 2019

Trying to resume.

I'm trying to resume my normal life.  I start work again next Monday.   I'm still not walking well so I'm not looking forward to it and also I feel like the second I get back, my co-worker will put in all kinds of days-off requests - not that I blame her - but then I'll have to cover for her a whole bunch and I really don't want to do that.   So, I'm filled with dread, basically.  I interviewed for that other job the other day and it sounds pretty nice, but I don't think I'm going to be able to take it because of the health insurance.  I feel pretty sad about it at the moment.

This coming week has all kinds of activities and it is all over the place.  I want to try and do some fun things and some responsible things and do some preparation for going back to work.  For going back to work, I need to practice walking long distances and I need to get my hair cut.   My responsible thing is getting the stray cat neutered.  Sorry dude, you can't show up here with that stuff.  Poor Mr. Miller (the cat) won't know what hit him.  I called the humane society and they recommended it and they're footing most of the bill, so I'll do it.  It's the responsible thing.  That's him in the photo, the orange cat nearest the extension cord.  This is a rare picture of 4 of the cats.  Zelda on the bench, Squinch in the yard, Duncan eating his breakfast and Mr. Miller lying there unaware of his fate next week.  Zoey is the only one not in the photo.

Another fun thing this week is youngest son turning 21.

Can't believe it.

When I started this blog, he was 6.

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