Thursday, April 04, 2019

Well, crap.

I'm was in the middle of my week working for my co-worker.   It wasn't as stressful as it has been in the past because I am learning how to do things and I had more help than usual.   Then yesterday, I worked the desk all day alone and I did pretty well.  I came home in a good mood, feeling pretty happy about things in general, and then, about 9:30 last night, I was doing a very easy mild yoga routine and my knee went out of the joint again.  It was very, very, very bad.  I haven't had pain like that before with this knee, even the incident in January that finally made me decide to have surgery wasn't this bad.  I have to use the walker that I bought for surgery when I get up and first start walking.  After I'm up a minute, I can walk a little bit without the walker.  It also hurts all the time now, even when I'm sitting with it propped up and iced.   I only slept about an hour and a half last night due to pain and anxiety of having to call my boss this morning.  I don't even know what they did to replace me and I'm sure nobody is having a good day.  :-(   I hate that.   I really hate letting my co-workers down when they were depending on me.  There's no way, though, that I could have done the walk into the building with or without my walker and I'm pretty sure I couldn't work on an hour and a half of sleep, not to mention negotiating the shower, the stairs down out of my house, the uneven flooring in the parking garage. 



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