Monday, April 22, 2019

Still alive.

It has started to hit me, the second week after joint replacement surgery, just how long of a haul this is going to be.  I'm still walking with a walker, can't reposition my leg by myself and it's almost been 2 weeks!  Physical therapy is, as predicted, kicking my butt.  It's awful.  We find out what motions are very, very, very difficult and then we do 10 of those, then 10 more.  I'm lying there on the PT table, sweating, panting, out of breath, trying to move my leg 1 inch in the required direction and then again, and again and again.   It's pretty awful.   I have it 3 times this week, plus a doctor's appointment with the surgeon to see how I'm doing.  Fun times.

I've watched pretty much every episode of Big Bang Theory and also about every episode of Friends (I keep falling asleep and miss some) and now I'm watching Frasier. I've also been playing a lot of Words with Friends, because they have offered a free trial of their lightning round.  That has saved me.  It helps when I'm dealing with a lot of pain, to zone out and focus on the game. 

When I finish my second week, on Wednesday, I'm going to start setting more goals.  Right now I have PT goals and diet goals (I'm sticking to it!) but starting Wednesday I'm going to have daily crochet goals and book writing goals and cooking and doing dishes goals, trying to ease my life back into normal and also trying to get some things done while I'm off that I might not ever get done otherwise.   

Someone asked my son what he's been doing lately and he said "mom's surgery", for a while that's all we all did, take care of me (them) and try not to whine too much (me).  For days and days, that's all any of us did.  Now we're branching out.   I'm setting my goals and the kids are going out and seeing their friends again now too, starting this past Saturday.  I'm not sure what my husband is doing, other than working and taking care of me, but hopefully things will ease up for him soon as I try to start doing more things on my own. 

It is a long, long haul. 


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