Tuesday, February 19, 2019

It's still February.

I'm hanging in here.  I'm still doing the diet and I've only added 4 foods back in.  I was able to add grapefruit, carrots, celery, and rosemary.  Only 4 things, but the last 3 of them helped me make a really good turkey pot pie like dish.  I dropped some rosemary on the floor and found out that rosemary is apparently like crack to Freckles.  She kept licking the floor in front of the stove no matter how many times we would clean it.  This is what she chooses to do with her new-found freedom.  (She spent a month in a crate and a cone after her surgery in December).  I've lost a little weight on the diet, but not as much as I want to.   Nothing ever goes as fast as I want it to - especially weight loss.  I wish it was like the old Sims 3, when they would exercise a couple of times and suddenly be skinny and fit!  :-P

The young people are getting into a routine here with D&D at our house on Mondays, Tuesday nights board game nights at a restaurant and Saturday night D&D at a friend's house.  It's not as excessive as it was last semester when they were out 4 nights a week playing games. One less night and it makes a huge difference.  That's good because my son has a much higher course-load in college this semester.  This is his last semester, he's already applied to graduate in May.  I can't believe it.  Of course, it's only a 2-year degree, but it has seemed so incredibly fast.  Soon, he'll be working full time and on his way to pursuing his dreams.   It will be another change, another new normal.   I'm trying to prepare myself because it won't be long after that and he'll be moving out, I'm sure.  I'm not sure how to do an empty nest after all this time.   I'm not sure what my daughter will be doing in a couple of years, but I think there may be a young man in her life by that time, so we'll see.   Several of her friends are already married, one expecting a baby next month and one of their friends who was here last night announced his impending engagement and showed us the ring he's buying!   The 20s are exciting times!

I got a new sign board for Valentine's day and am excited about putting up different signs each week or each month and then eventually, maybe each year as I get tired of it.  But for right now, I'm excited. Here's my first quote.

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