Saturday, February 09, 2019

Hanging in there, February.

The weather's up and down, raining, snow flurrying, warm, then cold, etc.   Typical February stuff.  It kind of makes it hard to stay in a good mood, at least for me.  But, I'm hanging in here with work and home and preparing for knee surgery (mostly mental prep at this point, but also doing my physical therapy exercises) and I'm sticking to the diet and starting to be a bit more creative with the recipes.  That's giving me something to focus on besides my fear of surgery and my distress at having to spend all the money for surgery and miss all the work and pay while I'm off for a couple of months.
The basics (for me) of this diet, broccoli ... 

On the personalized diet I'm on (LEAP protocol) I have 50 foods that I can eat.  Some of them I haven't even considered eating, mostly the fish.  I'm doing well though.  I think this weekend, I'm going to make bread and cake and try to figure out a salad dressing.  I have made a couple of personal sized microwave cakes this week and it has helped a lot with the feeling of deprivation.  Because sugar ended up on my list this time, I'm not suffering from any carb flu or sugar withdrawal, which helps.   Despite being able to eat sugar, I've lost 7 or 8 pounds and I want that to continue.  I eat a lot of broccoli, cabbage and meat, so I guess that's helping with the weight loss but I definitely need to be careful with the amount of cake I eat.

navy beans ... 
I'm also going to make plans for my 2 months of recuperation.  I plan to try and finally work on the book about homeschooling/parenting I've been planning for a long time, maybe work on my Spanish with Duolingo and maybe I'll even work on the afghan I started about 3 years ago.  I'll have to do something to keep from going crazy!

and beef. 

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