Tuesday, January 01, 2019


We've celebrated Christmas and New Years in quick succession this week, Christmas on Saturday night and Sunday morning and New Year's Eve on Monday, which was actually New Year's Eve, coincidentally.  :-)  Today is New Year's Day, of course, for real, and I'm not sure what we are going to do.  So far, we have no plans.  We're going to hang out and catch up on TV shows and movies, cook something for ourselves and talk.   It's great to have my son and daughter-in-law here again.  We've been trying out all the new board games we got.

We got them a couple and they got us one and we got ourselves 5, so it's a big bunch of gaming goodness.  So far, we've played Pandemic, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Kodama, and Coup Rebellion, and have still to play The Resistance Hidden Agenda and Hanabi.  The other board game that we got my son and his wife was Saboteur, one of our previously owned favorites, so we haven't done that one yet.  We also played Splendor last night which was previously owned, but we just felt like playing it.  I'm enjoying myself immensely having everyone here.

Freckles is doing okay.  She's being a diva and demanding a lot of treats, because last time she had surgery and had to wear the cone, she also had teeth pulled and needed soft food.  She doesn't understand that getting a surgery on your tail doesn't require the same dietary changes.  Nevertheless, I am headed to town in a few minutes to get her some soft food.  Of course.  And yes, I know why my dog is spoiled.  I'm just not sure how to reason with a chihuahua.  :-)

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