Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A non-whining post.

I really just feel that I should not leave that whininess at the top of my blog page, so I'm posting again, for that reason.   I'm back to work.  My knee is somewhat better (thank goodness).  I had my first night, last night of not attending the board game group and it was pretty nice.  I stayed in and watched a couple of movies while my son and daughter went, talked to their friends and played some games.  As it should be.  I felt a twinge of sadness that my last homeschooling activity is gone but only a tiny twinge.   It's way past time.   I still wish I had more kids and was still homeschooling, but I think I will always have that.  Homeschooling and raising kids was so much fun.  I've decided that my husband and I probably need to start our own board game group and hang out with our friends.  We do have some great friends we don't spend enough time with.

Today's news is that I'm going to see a nutritionist about my food intolerances and she is going to give me a diet to follow that will hopefully tame down some of my autoimmune symptoms and make me feel overall better.  Here's the list of the foods I reacted to on my test.

Some of these, I don't know what they are.  I'm kind of in shock that the worst intolerance that I have is pinto beans.  I figured I would react strongly to gluten, coffee, tea, dairy and nightshades, but I did not test at all intolerant of gluten.  I wonder if that's because I have been gluten free so long?  I also didn't react to coffee or tea on this test, but both have proven through much testing to cause me significant pain in the past, so I'm still going to leave those alone.  I'm thrilled that I didn't test "red" to dairy and nightshades because I feel like that means maybe I can have some of those in the future.  We'll see what the nutritionist says today about all of this.  I just hope that I can feel better.  I've been in one of my "pain storms" as I call them for a couple of weeks. Everything hurts.

This years word for me is "heal" because that's what I need to do.

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