Wednesday, November 21, 2018

We're still here.

I'm not sure why I didn't post this, but 2 weeks ago, this happened.    This is my son's car.   He ran into the back of a truck with a furniture lift on it.  He's fine.  His car is not.   I'm not sure what we are going to do about that.

I'm working today and quite a few days for the next 6 weeks, but not full time and I'm grateful for that.  I'm at the point with this job that I am looking for anything to be grateful for.  I'm having a hard time with it right now and I do not want to go each day.  One reason is that my Sjogren's syndrome has flared badly because of working all those hours (I guess that's it because it happened last time too).   Sjogren's causes dry eyes, dry mouth and joint pain and I scored worse on my 4 week physical therapy evaluation than I did on my first day there, which basically never happens, according to my therapist.  I'm not feeling great, I'll tell you that.  Everything hurts, including my eyeballs.  :-/

We are still doing our board game group and we had a meeting last night.  At this point, there's usually more talking than gaming, but they enjoy it, so we're going to keep doing it.  We're planning a board game group party for the holidays in a couple of weeks.  Starting this group 3 years ago has been such a great thing.  I'm proud of it.  Some great friendships have been formed, that I hope will be with my kids forever.

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving.  I've given up on a lot of the house projects that I wanted to get done before Thanksgiving and we don't currently have our dining room table assembled and in the kitchen and there's an extra fridge in there that we need to haul away, but I'm just going to try and go with it.  :-P   I got the last of the shopping done yesterday for it, in 2 trips, because I forgot a bunch of stuff the first time.  In my defense, I hadn't had time to think through my list the first time and I was just kind of winging it.  I realized I was probably forgetting some stuff, and I was.  Oh well.  At least I don't have to go into the grocery today.    I hope.

I hope all my readers have a great Thanksgiving!!

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