Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A lot to be thankful for.

We keep busy around here.  We had a lovely Thanksgiving, then I worked Friday and on Saturday we were supposed to have another Thanksgiving, but it was called off due to illness (of the people we invited) and then on Sunday, my daughter and I took advantage of Ikea's continuing black Friday sale and went there and bought the new entertainment center.  It was an ordeal, because the thing that I had waited 6 months to buy (for the sale) was out of stock, but the guy who put it together for us on the computer did not notice and sent us downstairs to get it.  I've been having a lot of joint pain, and it was a lot of walking, so it was difficult.  We survived it though and the girl is in the process of building the thing now.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I made the decision to get a different color because the sale is ending and the store is 2 1/2 hours away and the closest thing I had found at any other stores was 4 times as expensive.  So I'm going to decide to like it.  I can't dislike it more than what we currently have.  At least with this one, the gaming systems and board games will be behind doors and not out there for all to see, cutting out the visual clutter.

Then yesterday I had to work again and today I have the day off and I'm going to try and catch up on everything that I've let go at home (grocery, phone calls, cleaning and going to the vet) and we have board games tonight.  Tomorrow I have to work and do someone else's job, which I am not happy about, but I have to do it or pretty much lose my job.  I have to do it next week as well.  Please pray it goes well.  It's a very unpredictable job.  You never know how the day is going to go.  It's a lot of thinking on your feet and reacting to other people and phone calls and deliveries and things need to be done quickly because people are in the middle of having surgery and they need a pathologist up there immediately to tell them if it is cancer or not.  So, no pressure, really.

I'm getting excited about Christmas this year, not like my usual reaction, pictured below, but I don't feel like I've had time yet to do anything about it.  There are no decorations up and I am not sure when that's going to happen.  I'm enjoying the holiday music on the radio though.  :-)

Another thing I'm excited about is that we get to see our son and daughter-in-law for dinner this weekend! 

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