Friday, July 06, 2018

Trying to find my place.

I'm working.  I'm volunteering.  I'm trying to keep the housework done.  I'm keeping busy.  I'm not one of those people who can just do everything.  I get so tired.  This week I've been working most of the time and have had an event several nights this week.  Last Saturday I volunteered at the hospital then came home and picked blackberries and then collapsed. Sunday, I had to sing a solo at church, go to the grocery, make a dessert and then go to a party for my nephew and his girlfriend, who were visiting from another state.  Then, Monday, I had 8 hours of work and board games.  Tuesday, 8 hours of work and then Tuesday night dinner.  Then Wednesday, I was off work because of the holiday, thank goodness, but then we had a party that evening with some new friends and ended up not getting home until around 11:30.  Then I couldn't go to sleep that night and ended up trying to work 8  hours on Thursday on 4 1/2 hours of sleep.  Not fun.  Last night, I went to bed at 9 pm, after falling asleep in my chair almost as soon as I got home from work.  Today is Friday, thank God and I don't have plans for tonight.  I will be volunteering again, tomorrow, but I may take Sunday as a day of complete rest.  I'm tired, tired, tired. 

I also got some bad news this week, that my oldest son and his wife are moving back to Mississippi next month so I'm trying to digest that information.  It's not helping my feeling of overall world-weariness.  I'm tired.  Did I mention that? 

Anyway, here are some pictures from last week, when I was not having such a crazy week, a pigeon in the parking garage where I volunteer, the 3 stop signs at the pharmacy drive thru (I think they want to make SURE you stop.), and some of my art from when I actually had time to do art.  I don't see how full time working moms don't absolutely loose their minds.  I don't even have little kids, but helpful adult kids and I still can't handle it and the housework and the other commitments. 

I'm trying to find my place here in my post homeschooling life. 

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