Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I'm busy and I'm not really liking it.  I've got 2 1/2 weeks of full time work ahead of me and I know myself.  I know that by about the third day, I will lose the will to live and think "how am I going to get through this?".  Our new boss stopped by for a meeting and I asked her if I could work part time the first week, because I can't really sub for the person who is out (we don't do exactly the same work)  but I could come in and give the other person a lunch break, etc.  but then my 2 co-workers butted into our conversation and now it seems like I'll be working all day long.  It's hard for me with my arthritis and Sjoegren's to have the stamina to do that, but I guess I have to.  :-(   I also asked off for the Monday of the second week when no-one else is off and my 2 co-workers indicated that the always needed me on Mondays because the workload is higher, so I'm working that day too.   Really, I work so hard and I have figured out their computers, so I'm fast and most days, we get completely caught up by 1:00 p.m. and I can't imagine why I'd need to stay until 4:30.  Sigh.  Next time I am going to ask to speak to the boss privately.  Good grief.

Things are going okay around here otherwise.   My son and daughter-in-law have decided to move away and I'm not happy about that, but there's nothing I can do so I'm working on accepting it.  We will have to put aside money and time to go visit them pretty often.  Daughter is still working on the house, though much more slowly than I would like.  Actually, everything about the house is going more slowly than I would like.  We need a lot of work done and I can't get anyone to come out and look at it, so it's at a standstill.  It's frustrating.

Youngest son is getting ready to go back to school.  He and the girl have had a busy, busy summer playing Dungeons and Dragons and board games with friends, but he's going to have to cut back on that when he goes to school.  He's going to have to do some homework this semester, and take more hours --- 16!  He will be busy, busy.

That's all from here, I guess.   I'll share some pictures of various things we've seen and done.  Now that we are finished homeschooling, this blog is mostly about what we are doing at our house and to help me journal about our lives.   If anyone else is coming along for the ride and reading it, thanks for hanging in here this long.  :-)

These 2 things are hanging up at work.   

This is a game we played at my son and daughter-in-law's house, last week, when I was busy with things I enjoyed being busy with.  :-) 

A drawing of mine that I'm proud of.  

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