Thursday, May 17, 2018

Good week!

My friend gave me flower bulbs a couple of years ago when my mom passed away. 
It has been the gift that keeps on giving!  
I talked to my boss and got my schedule changed so that on the weeks when they don't have anyone out, I'm only there 2 days.  It was great this week.  3 days off!  I worked Monday and I'll be working tomorrow.   Next week, of course, I'm needed and so I'll be working 3 days, but this week has been a much-needed break.  It seems like all of the weeks for the past couple of months, when I've been off a couple of days, I've had about 4 days worth of errands to get done, so I'm enjoying this break thoroughly.  I slept in until 8:30 today. Bliss!  Tomorrow, I'm back to work and on Saturday I'm volunteering.  Then Sunday we will be cleaning the house like maniacs because Saturday we'll have out-of-town guests for Monday night dinner.

In other news, the young adults living here are joining yet another Dungeons and Dragons group.  That makes 3, in addition to the board game nights.  I have a feeling I don't really have to worry about their social lives anymore.   They will be playing on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, at least until my son's summer break ends.  He may have to quit something so he can study.  He hasn't tried studying while in college yet (he just finished his second semester).  He breezed through the first one with all As and Bs, but the second one, from what I hear, did not go as well.  He said that he's going to need to do physics again and the next time, he's going to need to study.  :-P   I think he's decided on a major.  He's planning, at the moment, to do business administration.  He does not want to get a 4 year degree.  He wants to get a 2 year degree and start working and then start working on his dream of being a land baron otherwise known as a landlord.  He's going to buy property and rent it out to make a living.

A purple iris!  None of these bloomed
last year, so they are a new gift!
Daughter is still not sure what she's going to do but right now, I've made a deal with them to do some work around the house and I will buy them a Nintendo Switch.  It will be inadequate pay for the amount of work they are doing, but they are happy with the deal.  She says that she's never seen youngest son so motivated to do anything.  So far, with his assistance moving things and doing prep work, she's painted the bathroom ceiling and walls and is ready to start on the kitchen.  I'm excited.  I think the bathroom looks great and I can't wait to see the rest of the work done.  After this, she'll have some good skills that maybe she can translate into a business or a career.  (She may end up working for her brother, the property baron!)  I know painters make good money.  She's also been doing some painting in the other way, as an artist and has been making some money doing that too.  Right now she's painting on gourds that my father-in-law will sell for her at the farmer's market.

My husband is working from home 2 days a week now, so he's here, which is weird.  We'll all be going about living our lives and suddenly, he'll start talking loudly to his team members and startle us.  We'll get used to it, I guess.  It saves money to have him not commuting and having lunch out those 2 days.

Oldest son and lovely wife are working on getting different shifts where they work and hopefully they will and will have an easier time of it.  The shift that they have now is kind of exhausting for them.

So that's what we're up to, quite a bit of stuff, getting ready to go into summertime.  I need to get the tomatoes in the ground TODAY, so that's the first plan.  Then I'm going to go see my aunt in the nursing home and pick up some things in town.  So nice to have a day off without an overwhelming amount of things to try and cram into it.

Have a nice day everyone!

A painting I did.  The bottom is my first effort, then I decided I needed to add some contrasting colors.  I think the above looks much better.  

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