Thursday, May 31, 2018

Feeling blessed.

In most things lately, I'm feeling blessed.  I've got a job now and it's mostly good.  I do have some stress issues about the new responsibilities I'm getting thrust into but I'm trying to call that what it is and deal with it.  It's fear and fear is a liar.  Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams   The young adults are doing well.  The house is getting remodeled (slowly).  I'm volunteering again and it's wonderful.

Freckles posing amongst the new pillows from Ikea that I'm not crazy about.  I wish they were a more vibrant color.  
Post homeschooling, I'm still extraordinarily glad that we did that, kept the kids out of the schools and kept their psyches intact, let them play, read to them a ton and helped them become these amazing people.  It's great to have them around and we are so lucky to have them around as much as they are.  We get to see my oldest and his wife once a week.  It used to be Monday night dinner, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to do a schedule shift this week and change it to Tuesday night dinner.  Still, we get to see them every week!  I don't know how long it will last, how long they will be in Kentucky, so I'm enjoying it to the maximum right now.  The younger 2 are still living here in the house, taking the lead on the remodeling while my son is out of college for the summer and playing games 4 nights a week.  They play Dungeons and Dragons on Mondays, Starfinder on Tuesdays, Dungeons and Dragons on Thursdays and Fridays.  It's a busy schedule but for a long time, after our homeschool group broke up, they had no social lives at all, so this is important for them. We encourage them to spend time with their friends.  

Cosmo decided to join us for a board game playthrough that we did for another family to help teach them the game.  We gave him a game piece, but he quickly became bored.  I don't blame him, it wasn't a great game.  
Last night, I went to art class with my daughter, which I do sometimes, just to keep her company.  She's working on an amazing drawing of a cat.  I worked on one of my regular drawings while sitting next to her.  One of her paintings was sold after the recent gallery exhibition and she heard from someone that it is now on display in a real art gallery in our town.  I'm very excited about that!  We will have to go soon and check that out.  

The kitchen is blue now.  The color is called "High Noon".  We still haven't got the trim back up.  
For comparison, this is the color the kitchen was.  This picture was taken right after the wallpaper border was pulled down. 
Anyway, feeling blessed and thankful in the little things.  Nothing exciting going on right now, but life has fallen into a good pattern and I'm enjoying it.  I've got lunch with some friends from the old homeschool group today and will we're still hanging out with some people from the new homeschool group on Tuesdays.   Homeschooling has added so much to our lives and I'm thankful.  

This is the green that the bathroom was.  As soon as we painted it this green, we didn't like it, but it was a year and a half before we (my daughter) re-did it.

Now it's a soothing blue gray.  Ahh.

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