Tuesday, April 10, 2018


These 2 photos are taken on the same day.  Snow on the peach tree and then a cardinal that posed for me in the back yard.  

I survived my week of working 40 hours.  It wasn't as bad as I thought and it definitely wasn't as bad as that week I spent last week working at the Montessori school.  With that one, I hadn't worked there before so it was totally new and it was a much more active job, so I was tireder more tired.  The main problem I had this week is that my Sjogren's syndrome flared and my eyes were so dry that one night I couldn't sleep much.  I finally got some moisturizing eye ointment for my eyes and was able to sleep.  With this job, I've been there a while and it's pretty low pressure; I'm not dealing with any 3 or 4-year-olds, it's quiet, etc.    I did get to do some types of reports I had not done before and go into the cutting room and see some things that were interesting, but I can't go into details.  I also made some mistakes and had to redo a couple of things.  Overall, though, not too bad.  I'm looking forward to only working a few hours next week and getting some things done around the house.  :-)

The weather has been interesting here, up, down, rain, snow, etc.

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