Sunday, February 04, 2018

This and that and the other thing. Getting into new routines.

There are always changes and what is right now won't be for long.  Right now, I'm working at the hospital 12-16 hours a week, my husband is still at the job he's been at for a while, oldest son is married and living about 20 minutes away with his lovely wife.  We see them usually once a week for Monday night dinner and sometimes we get to see them more than that, which we love.  Daughter has been working at the Montessori school, but she found out last week that this week will be her last.  They are laying her and the other afternoon worker off due to money problems at the school.  Not fun.  She's going to have to figure out what she wants to do now.  Youngest son is getting into his second semester at college, still doing well and still enjoying it.  At my work, I need to decide whether to take coding classes and become a medical coder.  I'm thinking on that.  Meanwhile, life goes on.  The kids are keeping busy with their board game and Dungeons and Dragons groups.  I need to find something to do to volunteer or I'll have to do more housework.  :-P  I'm sharing some pictures that looked interesting from my phone, for no reason, just because.  
This first one is my grocery list for yesterday.  The last entry is written by my daughter, but she says that every single one of the first 5 lines, written by me, are in different fonts.  She takes that as more evidence for how weird I am.  :-).  What do you think? 

It's snowing, can you see it? 

Sunrise the other day.

A most beautiful chicken pot pie I made for Monday night dinner.

Upside down Cosmo.  

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