Saturday, December 16, 2017

Almost there!

Christmas shopping is almost done!  I'm excited and happy about it and proud that I haven't obsessed over the perfectness of every little gift, as I tend to do.  That's what makes the shopping so excruciating some years is the obsessing.  I managed to rise above that this year, get what they asked for and not worry too, too much about it.  I hope I did okay.  I have one or two small things to pick up still, but they're minor and I may get them today.  Last night we went to see the Christmas program at the school where my daughter is the afterschool assistant - very cute!  And tomorrow we will go see a program at our church.  I kinda want to go to a concert tonight but no-one wants to go with me and I don't think I want to go badly enough to try and find someone who will.  I think I'll probably just let it go.  I can't decide.

Anyway, I'm excited and happy about Christmas instead of my usual grouchiness/grinchiness, and it is a very nice change.

I hope that you are enjoying the season as well.

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