Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ah. Such a nice Christmas.

It's not over.  We've got something this evening and something next weekend and something on January 6th, so we're really doing the 12 days of Christmas this year.  Well, actually, it looks like, 13.  The 13 days of Christmas.  So far, it's been lovely.  We got a lot of time with our immediate family on Christmas Eve and a lot of time with my husband's family yesterday.  Sometimes people have to rush off and it's over quickly, but not yesterday.  We were still sitting around post-breakfast at 4:00 p.m.  For a while, I thought about all the kids that have been in that highchair there at the dinner table, 9, so far, with the youngest still sitting in it at the age of 2.  :-)  We sat around snacking on fudge and french toast casserole, talking, watching the board games being played, playing with and talking to the kids.  It was just very nice.  I feel like everyone liked the gifts I picked out for them, which is a big part of my Christmas happiness, and I liked the gifts that I got as well.
My daughter did some wood burning of kitchen utensils this year.  The one above for her Dad.  It's a grill spatula and on the edges it says "I am your father". 

These she made for her brother and sister-in-law.  The first is the eye of Sauron, next says Sara's baking spoon, the third is a Dr. Who reference, then a Harry Potter reference and then a Star Trek reference, so all the geekiness is evident.  :-) 

After that, I came home, took a short socialization break (introvert!) and then went to see my aunt at the nursing home.  She seemed to like the small presents that I got her.  I hope that she gets some use out of them.   Nursing homes are just so hard.  :-(

Today, I'm off to work and then I have 2 events after that, so it's a big day.  We're also dog-sitting my son and daughter-in-law's puppy, so that adds a little layer of difficulty.  He's not house-trained completely and he's on a different sleep schedule than everyone else in our household, but my young adults that live at home aren't working or going to school this week, so it's falling on them.  Hopefully, they got some sleep last night!!!

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