Tuesday, October 31, 2017

New Normal Report.

It seems a little hectic some days, but I think the new normal is okay.  Over the years, we have had so many changes and so many new normals and a lot of them have not been the best, but me going to work has been okay.  I'm only working about 12 hours a week right now and that helps.  It's helping me ease into going outside the home to work, which I haven't done for many years.  I'm getting to know the people and so far, everyone seems really nice.  I got a welcome email and phone call from one of the other transcriptionists who is in my department but in another building.  I thought that was very nice.  Today was Halloween, of course, and a lot of people in the hospital dressed up and the hospital gave us a free lunch and some small free gifts which was fun.  I actually had a pretty good time at work today, though I'm still learning the job and that's a little hard.  It's good.  I think it's going to be a good fit for me.  I hope.

I got my rheumatologist to write me a note to try and help me get a better parking space a little closer to the building, but I am not sure, now, if I want to.  The walking will be good for most of me, only bad for my knees ... so I'm torn whether to turn it in or not, or just keep walking.

Other things that have changed in our world this year are that my husband's brother and my brother both got engaged and his brother is married and mine will be soon.  Kind of exciting~!   We love both of the new family members, so that's good!

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