Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Doing better.

Youngest son is doing better and better in school.  He's taking less time to write things and writing well when he does write.  His history quizzes, which are essays, have needed less and less editing from me, just 2 commas and a semicolon on the last one and he's getting 19 and 20 out of 20 on a regular basis now.  He's got about half of his first paper written for writing 101 and it didn't take him but a couple of hours, whereas the first things he wrote took many, many hours and needed a ton of editing from me and his sister.  I'm thrilled by his progress.  He shows me a lot of his writing when he gets it back with the grades because he knows how happy it makes me.  The most recent history quiz/essay was 20 out of 20 and said "Good job!" on it.  You all know how much I worried when he was little and wouldn't even draw and hated coloring and then didn't learn to read until he was 10 and always, always hated writing, but maturity is working for him.  I'm glad we didn't sacrifice our relationship to trying to have him conform to others expectations of when he should do things.  He did it in his own good time.

If you have a little one who is struggling with any skill. lagging behind his peers, tell him or her about my son and read him or her this book.  Leo the Late Bloomer

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