Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First day down.

Youngest son came home happy and excited about school.  He had a good day even though he had a lot of tasks to do, drop and add a class, meet with the accessibility coordinator and get his photo ID made.  He remembered to do all of it and was quite pleased with himself for getting it all done.  (I was too!)   He really enjoyed his history class and the writing class wasn't too bad, at least so far.  The professors seemed to be engaging and entertaining to him.  He tried to introduce himself to all of the people in the drop/add line, to get a conversation going so that the line didn't seem so long, but he wasn't really successful; only one person said "hi" back and then the conversation pretty much ended.  Oh well, maybe next time.  The reason he was in the drop add line was so that he could move some classes around so that he could get into choir, which meets as a class on Thursdays.  He had another class at that time, but was able to switch that one and get choir.  He loves to sing and has a very nice bass voice, so he will enjoy that, I think.  

So that's the school report.  Good first day for our second homeschooler to enter college.  

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