Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A few things going on now.

My daughter's art class is doing an exhibit.  We packed up the 4 paintings she's done this year to take to be exhibited.
These are the supplies we've gathered for the rehearsal dinner, so far, not including the pork roasts which are in the freezer, of course.  There are also a couple of board games in this picture because they are all over the house.  Ignore those please.

Last year in lieu of flowers at the funeral home, a friend of mine gave me a huge bag of flower bulbs for my house.  This is the gift that I hope will keep on giving for many years (if I don't somehow kill them!).  Aren't they beautiful?!

Finally, pet pictures from this week, Squinch and Duncan, Cosmo and Freckles.  :-)  Not pictured are our other 2 cats, Zelda and Zoey.

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