Thursday, April 06, 2017

It's hard to think of titles for posts about not much.

I've used the phrase "not much" as a title before, probably, in the 12 years that I've been blogging.   So anyway, we're doing things, its just not especially exciting, but it's fine.  My daughter has been on spring break from her job and here's what we've done this week.  On Monday, we had a board game meetup. We had a few new kids and one returning kid so it was a good group and they had a good time.  Two of the moms opted to stay, which they don't usually do, so the time passed quickly for me since I had someone to talk to, but I missed hearing the kid's conversations and knowing what games they played.  Still, I could look over every now and then and see that they were having a good time.

On Tuesday, my daughter and I headed to Louisville for her migraine appointment which she has every 6 months.  This time there was nothing but good news as she said that her headaches are only 3-4 times a week (instead of every day) and that none of them are severe.  She is able to use the biofeedback techniques that she learned last fall to 'back down" the pain.  Since we were in Louisville, we went to the gluten free bakery there that we love so much and got a cupcake and cheesecake slice and a cookie, all of which we split.  Very good.

Then yesterday, I went to physical therapy then came home, cooked some Chinese food and watched a really intense thunderstorm last night.  Our electricity went off for a couple of hours, but it was fine.  We all had books.  :-P

Today, we're meeting some friends at a restaurant for a little while and we've got to go shopping for an Easter Egg Hunt that our church is having this weekend.  Tomorrow we will go setup for the hunt and Saturday we will help host it.

Next week is scary to me.  I signed up to work "camp" at the Montessori school and so I'll be working a 40 hour week.  I didn't realize it was that many hours when I signed up for it, but basically, it's daycare for the kids while the school is on spring break.  I don't know how my arthritic knees will hold up but I need the money so I'm going to try and survive it.  It's a terrible feeling when you want to do something, but you don't know if your body will let you.  My knees have been behaving particularly bad this week, so that's not encouraging.   :-(

I'm supposed to be taking youngest son driving every day but we're not doing well on that.  He's on one of his cycles where he stays up late and sleeps a lot of the day and I just haven't made an effort to fit him in.  I need to do better.  He needs to do better.  Our goal is to take him for his test at the end of this month, so we need to get on it.   I think he's got a non-24 sleep disorder which is contributing to his sleep issues so I am not sure how hard on him to be about this.  Also, I know we both have a mild case of post-traumatic stress disorder about the driving, after our first day driving into a big ditch.  Sigh.  We just need to get this DONE.

So I guess we're not done homeschooling; we've still got driver's ed to finish!  Also, my son is still working on learning German and we meet up with homeschoolers every couple of weeks, so it doesn't seem like we're finished.  I guess it really is a lifestyle thing.

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