Saturday, March 18, 2017

Exciting Times.

My son and his fiancee are visiting from Mississippi, the first time we've seen them since November.  We celebrated Christmas a little the first day they were here and the rest of the time has been a whirlwind of activity, trying to get things done for the shower I'm throwing for them (today!) and trying to see and do all the things they want to see and do in Kentucky.  They may be relocating to Kentucky to another small town so we drove over and looked at it.  We've been shopping and doing shower prep, visiting, watching movies and playing board games.

I think the shower is going to come together but I invited a lot of people so it's a lot of food and the room we have to have it in doesn't have that much space, so I'm kind of worried about it, of course.  I'm not a caterer and not a professional at throwing events like this.  I've done one large party before, for my son when he went to college.  At that one I served tacos.  At this one, we're doing a fruit tray, vegetable tray, cheese/cracker tray, cake, chips, mints.  It's a lot of work, but I think most of it is done now.  I hope there's not a large aspect of it that I've forgotten!   I have lists and lists and lists, which keep getting revised and re-written as things get done.  :-) These pictures show the prelimary setup.  There will be a banner placed on the gift table and flowers in vases set on all the other tables and a few other things, plus hopefully the food will be beautiful.

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