Tuesday, February 28, 2017


It's the end of  February, almost a year since I lost my job.  I went to a career coaching class at our local library and now I am armed with a better resume and interview skills so maybe I'll find something.  Meanwhile, I'm keeping busy.  I'm continuing to work out in the physical therapy gym strengthening my legs to help compensate for the fact that I have a torn ligament in my left knee and God only knows what wrong with my right one.  I'm doing good.  I'm feeling stronger.  It wears me out on exercise days though.  :-)  I'm working on the house, working on planning the special events we have coming up, working on my reading list, re-learning French, brushing up my MS Excel skills and being the support person for everyone else here at home.

Last week my youngest son was evaluated by Vocational Rehabilitation to see if he is eligible for accommodations in college.  We haven't heard anything official but the psychologist said that he definitely saw signs of ADHD and dysgraphia.  I guess we'll hear something soon.

The scholarship search is kind of discouraging.  All I have seen so far require that he be a high school senior and the fact that he has taken a year off seems like it's going to make him not eligible for much.  I will keep looking, but I don't feel very hopeful.  Thankfully, he's going to the least expensive college in our state, the local community college system  but  I haven't found one that he's even eligible to apply for.  :-(

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