Friday, September 16, 2016

College Fair.

We went to a college fair last night.  After my son took the PSAT a couple of years ago, he started being courted by some very expensive, far away colleges and to be honest, I really wanted him to go to this so he would start thinking about colleges that are not so expensive and not so far away.   It worked.  He's now interested in some that are closer and more in-line with the kind of schools I want him to go to, so I guess it was a win.  I am not looking forward to my youngest moving out next year, not at all.  I am not sure how I am going to deal with it.   Anyway, the colleges were flattering to him and all tried to convince him how great their school was, along with giving generally good advice about financial aid and scholarships.  The most important bit of information that they gave us was to file our FAFSA on October 1 because they've changed the date this year.  Now we will start applying for scholarships and I am pretty sure he's going to get some.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I really want him to live at home and go to community college.  It's not my choice though.  Sigh.  Not looking forward to the empty nest, but that's what needs to happen.  A friend of mine was talking to her mother about how she felt sad that her oldest had graduated and her mom said "if you hadn't grown up and left home, we wouldn't have him"  which puts it in perspective.  Change is actually good in this instance.  :-P

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