Sunday, July 31, 2016

Good news.

My daughter got a job!  She will be working in an afterschool program, 3 hours or so in the afternoon.  It has paid time off and paid training and she will have summers off so she should still have plenty of time to work on her novel, as well as some work experience and spending money.  It's exciting.  She also opened her first checking account this week and her dad is now starting to look for her a car.  :-)  Since we finished homeschooling her 2 years ago, she's been kind of a homebody, so this makes me feel good.  I think she will like it and the person she will be working most closely with is another homeschooling mom.

My son and his girlfriend are coming this week for a visit and we hope to get to visit a bunch before either my new job or my daughter's new job actually start.  We're not sure when either one of them will be because we will both be working with children and so we both need to have a background check done.  It's a good thing, but this time of the year I am told it takes a while.  I'm hoping not to have to start at all until my son's visit is over.  I want to spend as much time as possible visiting and enjoying them.

We just finished doing the crafts at VBS this past week and then yesterday we went to the book launch party for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child at the library so I'll share some pictures of those things.

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