Sunday, July 10, 2016

Focusing on lists.

I've been kind of numb since mom got really sick and we knew the end was near.  I am not sure when the numbness is going to pass.  It's very weird.  I assume this is within the normal reaction of grief for some of us.  I'm not medicating but I am watching a ton of TV and doing a ton of art, also trying to keep busy by getting things done.  I haven't really felt like cooking (which is something I went through after my dad passed away too), but I have been doing some cleaning.  I haven't got my nerve up to go through the piles of mom's things lying around the house and I don't know when I will be able to do that.  We may have to live with them for a while.  Meanwhile, I am doing things like looking for a job, washing dishes, exercising, grocery shopping, taking people to the doctor, etc.  Anything to keep busy.  So today, I have 7 things on my list and I am going to focus on that.

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