Thursday, March 03, 2016


I have gotten into reading lately.  My brother gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas and that got me started.  I got some of my old favorites that the library no longer has, by some of my favorite authors
Katie Fforde

Mary Stewart

Sophie Kinsella

I had read Divergent some time back, but at some point, I decided to watch the movie and that got me started with dystopian young adult fiction.

I read the rest of Divergent, then Ashes, Ashes (which I think has the coolest name of all of them) and then I started the Razorland Saga.  I just finished it last night and it was really good, my favorite of all of the young adult dystopia ones so far, including Hunger Games.

I am not sure if I have the energy to start another one, but I have got The Darkest Minds and Unwind here from the library right now.  :-)

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