Monday, September 21, 2015

Taking it easy.

I had a minor surgery on Wednesday and I am on day 5 of taking it very easy.  Last time I had something like this done, I tried to do too much and I think it prolonged the recovery.  This time, I was doing well, resting well and then decided (hard-headedly) that I wanted to lie on my belly to sleep, because I am a stomach sleeper.  I buy the special stomach sleeper pillows at Ikea.  I slept on my stomach during all 3 of my pregnancies and even after the C-sections, but this surgery, because of where it is on my belly, I guess, makes it impossible.  By even trying, I think I set my recovery back a few days.  So yesterday, I took it very, very easy which is kind of hard for me.  I like to get things done and check them off.  On the bright side, I got a lot of art done.   I did get out yesterday to teach the art class I'm teaching at church. It's 5 minutes away and lasts 40 minutes and my daughter drove me, carried my stuff and helped me, so it wasn't too strenuous.  I am finding it interesting to see everyone's different interpretations of the very basic directions I have given them and how much they are enjoying it.  I'm enjoying it a lot too.

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