Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Yesterday .

Well, it was a very frustrating day.  I didn't have any work for many hours and it was fine with me, because I didn't have a lot planned (for once) and I could flex my work, but I needed to let my supervisor know that I would be flexing hours and that's where the problems and frustration began.  She was on vacation it turns out so she didn't answer me on Spark, which made me have to go to the trouble of opening up our clunky work email thingy and then when I emailed her, it said that she was on vacation and to contact a couple of other people.  Neither one of them asnwered me on Spark or on email, and that's what made me frustrated.  I finally did get finished with work a good 4 1/2 hours after my normal time.  I didn't feel all that great most of the day because I had a headache but while I was awaiting work, I got some other things done.  I did some reading and art journaling and dishes and made a pot of potato soup and then after work, youngest son and I went to the library and got some holds and got some gas because we were well below E.  The day was not a total loss but I feel very bad when I don't get a lot done.

Anyway, here's some art.  Maybe in the future I will have a big sale and sell some of it and it won't feel like a waste of time but even though I love it (and it's possible it's kept me out of a mental hospital!  LoL) , I feel kind of guilty for doing so much of it.  Right now I'm at the end of another sketchbook, most of my sharpies are hit and miss and don't want to write and I need (?) paint or shall we say, I am almost completely out of paint but I feel guilty buying more.  :-(    I never thought I'd be an artist so I am not sure how to deal with artist guilt.  :-P  Mommy guilt, wife guilt, housekeeper guilt, I'm very familiar with those ....

Also, a bit of scandal going on as Freckles and Cosmo have started sleeping together.  ;-)

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