Sunday, June 28, 2015

In Summertime Mode, but ...

We're enjoying the pool, watermelon and chicken salad, seasonal fruit and other things, but we've already had our challenges this summer.  We've still got my mom's house to sell and still there are things that need to be cleaned out.  We go several times a week and work on it.  This causes an influx of junk to our house and I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it, so to make room, we've taken all of our possible yard sale stuff to Goodwill.  During this time, my husband unexpectedly got pretty darn sick and couldn't get out of his easy chair much at all for the last week.  Turns out, according to the testing at the doctor's office, he has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  I've heard of it, but I've never known anyone who had it.  It turns out that is actually what killed my husband's great grandfather according to his mom.  Thankfully, there's doxycycline now and and so my husband is on the mend.  It's been rough though.

In between things, I've been doing a lot of art, drawing a lot of big old flowers, because it makes me feel better about everything.  :-P

It's almost time for those of us in Kentucky to send our Letter of Intent To Homeschool to the school board!  It's our last one.  :-(

We're looking forward to our oldest son and his girlfriend coming for a good long visit in August!

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