Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Reading, Reading, Reading.

Well it wasn't exactly intentional, but we did celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday in a way I think he would approve of; we spent pretty much the entire evening reading.  I try to finish what I am doing in the daytime and spend the evening with the kids as much as possible.  Oftentimes we are just watching TV while pursuing our various hobbies, but we have gotten really caught up in this book we are reading.  I was feeling very tired last night so I recommended that we start early again (my daughter is actually doing the reading, I started and she took over, as she tends to do).  Anyway, we started around 8 I think and read for at least 2 hours.  Before reading the John Flanagan book, Slaves of Socorro, we took a moment and I read our favorite Dr. Suess book, Yertle the Turtle and tonight though it is not Dr. Seuss's birthday today, I think we might read Gertrude McFuzz.  :-)  More awesomeness.  I am so glad that my kids will participate in this reading with me because I don't know if I would sit down and read these books on my own and I enjoy them so much.   More than anything, though, I enjoy spending this time with my kids.  :-)

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