Thursday, March 26, 2015


I was asked to review this book for Family Christian stores and it surprised me how good it was. Here's the review I wrote.

I love to read but I am very picky about my fiction. Oftentimes I come home from the library with a stack of nonfiction books because I just couldn't find any good fiction. I kind of surprised myself by getting interested in the description of this book and then when I got a chance to read it my thoughts were honestly, that I did not expect it to be very good. I prepared myself for the disappointment of at worst terrible and at best mediocre writing, but I got caught up in this story, these characters, these people's lives!! That is what matters in good fiction, getting involved with the characters and caring about them. After a couple of chapters, I was involved! I wanted these kids to make it. Right now, as I sit here typing this review, I am in that post-book phase, where you look up and realize that everyone else around you is just calmly going on about their lives while you've been on an adventure! To sum up, it's a great book and I really enjoyed it! In addition, I love that at the end there is an explanation of the historical details.

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