Saturday, February 21, 2015

Still here, now with ice.

Last night we had freezing rain on top of the 15 inches of snow on the ground. Yesterday before it hit, I had to get a prescription filled so I got my courage up and went to town.  This meant driving up and down our snow covered driveway in my little RAV4 which for some reason is scary and more up-close-and-personal to driving it in the Suburban.  As you can see the driveway in the bottom picture beyond the buried Ford Focus, you can see that it is kind of scary, snow and has a lot of trees that someone might hit, but you have to get up speed to make it up.  Now that my daughter has been driving some, she understands more how crazy this is.  My husband and I have been doing it for years and it still feels crazy.  I'm not too good at walking in this amount of snow, (not graceful or coordinated with the best of weather conditions!) so I didn't want to walk all the way up.  In my little RAV4 I made it most of the way, got out and started walking and pretty much immediately fell over.  The snow makes for a soft cushiony landing, but I didn't have on gloves and so I had to put my bare hands in the snow to get up.  After this, my hands hurt for quite a while.   Anyway, we are back in, warm and toasty, with only the one dog in the house, playing cards and watching Netflix.  It will be over soon enough, I'm sure, and spring will come.

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