Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Getting it done.

My son is getting his schooling done.  Thankfully, as I have gotten busier with mom's business he's gotten more independent.  My daughter does still work with him on his writing because he still has his dysgraphia issues, but he does his own German and violin and math.  He seems really to be enjoying it for the most part.  He doesn't love math so much, but he's really enjoying the German.  He's been trying a few words out on me and explaining how the German modifiers (or something) work.  :-)  I love it when the kids get enthused about what they are learning and come to tell me about it.  The way we have homeschooled the last few years, with me just assigning the things and not actively teaching them, it's a good way for me to see that they are learning and learn a bit of it myself.  Also, it's cute.  :-)

It's valentine's week and it's also Random Acts of Kindness week so get out there and do something kind for someone this week!

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