Thursday, January 01, 2015

New Year!

I'm so glad that 2014 is over.  Every single time I tried to do anything last year, it seemed that the rug was pulled out from under me and every time, I had to figure out a way to get back up and carry on. So now here I am, not really steady on my feet yet, trying to figure out what to do next, what I even want to do.  I'm thinking about another career after 20 years as a medical transcriptionist.  The industry is dying, being replaced by voice recognition.  I already have experience editing VR and it's horrible.  It makes the same mistakes over and over and over and it pays very little.  So, I don't want to do that.  I need a new way to bring in an income.  I need a new direction for my life, which has centered around parenting and homeschooling, I need to get the house decluttered, my mom's house completely cleaned out to sell, teach my daughter to drive and continue to take care of my mom.  It feels overwhelming.  Last night, I pictured in my mind that this morning I would get up, dedicate the first hour to hour and a half of my day to bible study, prayer, exercise, housecleaning and baking and then, with that all done, sit down and start working at my job.  I did get the bible study done and I guess that's the most important.

This afternoon, I am also going to start the grateful jar.
Small steps toward a better 2015.  

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