Friday, January 23, 2015


This morning my youngest came in my room/office where I was working to tell me about his dream. He summed it up in a sentence.  "It started out as a nightmare, then I fixed all the problems and then we went bowling."   Then later, he came in here to make this statement.   "Sometimes I wish that I didn't have these feeble human senses."

He's never not thinking deeply about something.  :-)  The other day we went out with friends and he got roped into a game with the younger kids (because one of them idolizes him) and didn't get to be with the kids his own age at their table.  My daughter said that because he wasn't there, the conversation amongst the older kids kind of lagged.  They figured out that due to his always being thinking about something, he's the "conversational catalyst" for their group.  I can see how he'd be good at that.  :-)

Just now he came in and told me that he had gone outside to think about his writing assignment while looking at the snow but didn't end up doing any thinking, but instead sang "I am a thoughtful guy" by Rhett and Link.  It's his theme song.

Also today I was going to go see my mom but decided I really did not feel good and took a nap and while I was asleep it snowed!  The whether report I looked at this morning had said rain, so I was really not expecting that!~

Speaking of expecting, my sister in law had her baby yesterday, a boy and now I am an aunt again!  Fun!

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